
2011年7月20日 星期三

印度之旅生重病住院 反而讓我獲得更多(一)

這次的印度之旅 如期讓我看到了截然不同的文化
在路上父子兄弟之間的情感是濃厚到 牽手走過每一個地方
而很少看到東方臉孔 所有一路上都是焦點 對你微笑
當然也有人會向你乞討 或是說要戴你去shopping等等

這次的旅行一波三折 先是在飛香港的班機 電力供給有問題 延遲了一個多小時才起飛
導致於我的connecting flight to New Delhi 沒有接到
於是又在香港多待一天 我直接到機場極力爭取 早十個小時 飛往新德里
但是這班是在曼谷停留一小時 再前往新德里
本來想說去泰國機場做個按摩 讓我疲憊的身心好好休息一下
結果聽說曼谷不讓我們下飛機 太扯了 整個機艙鬧哄哄 有機組人員下機
有新的機組人員上機 還有乘客在 卻在清潔 但通道那麼窄
還有地勤上來確認 在飛機上的乘客是前往新德里

一番折騰後 我也不知飛了多久 終於到了 
看到機場 和印度的文字 就興奮了起來
準備出關時 海關的上方 很好多隻超大的佛手 很美馬上讓我想到小謝 這就是小謝的國家 很多好看的佛像
整個機場很先進 乾淨 也很漂亮 馬上懼怕感就減少了
但是非常口渴的我 還是不敢亂喝飲水機的水 找瓶裝水找了好久
換錢也是很有趣 這是一個外匯管制非常嚴格的國家
你剩下的印度盧比 是不能帶出境的 所以不能多換
然後印度也很多軍人 到處都看的到 就拿著大把的槍 站在換錢的前面
不像其他國家都把人關在小房間裡 開放式的換錢櫃台
整疊錢就放在後面的櫃子裡 也沒鎖 整個牆上都是一大疊錢
我想少了一疊 應該也一時算不出來

接下來就要前往 華航機組人員都下榻的設計旅館 The Park

2011年5月22日 星期日

Spring trip 2011

When I finished working at PRADA. I found that I have 8 days to travel a new city that I never been to before.

The following cities are the nominees,

New dehli
Sao Paulo
Mexico city

After a long time decision and homework checking on the Internet.
The final city that I'm going to is New York.

Everyones like what! Again! Why NYC?

Sure i was asking myself too. Cause 8 days vacation will be like 2 days flying.
And i visit NYC last Chinese new year.

Of course the budget problem. I can stay with John. And I really miss my friends in NYC.
Also two Canadian best friend is coming to NYC for me. One is from Toronto, one is from Taipei.

So decided going to NYC again. When I was on the flight for 14 hours, I asked myself again,
Why I go to NYC? Hawaii is closer and Billy khan still there, my best roomate.

2011年3月5日 星期六

What a budget trip to beautiful busan

There is a new airline to Taipei and only 100USD per single way to Busan, Korea.

That's is a very good deal for me to travel korea again. Because I still lots of korean won left from last time.

So my plan is TPE-PUS for 1 day in Busan then take a KTX to Seoul (2.5 hours). And spend 3 days in Seoul.(wanna see DMZ)
Gimpo domestic airport to Busan(1 hour) then to Taipei. No need to go ICH because too far and no directly express train. On the KTX can see the view from Busan to Seoul.

2011年2月15日 星期二

taipei walk a man

i love to walk in taipei, cause u can always find somethng special around when u choose walking
like you will never know there is a field which with the vegetables on it just right across to the taipei 101. u can see the farmer work on the field during the rush hour.
lots of people must wanna buy the field for building the office or shopping mall at the whole new CBD in taipei- xinyi district.
you are right, the farm is the owner of that field. he/she doesnt wanna sell the field for anyone. because if they growing up the veges for more and more years. they will become a millionaire soon.
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